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What Is CoReDa

COREDA stands for Commercial Responsibility Database. It is central database of freight wagons, where authorized companies can find who is wagon’s keeper and mainly which railway undertaking is currently commercially responsible for the wagon. This is needed because each keeper can delegate rights for use of the wagon to another party.  This database was designed by RailData on request and functional order from the UIC Wagon users Study group. This tool provides an important IT support for the European freight railway undertakings.


CoReDa Functions


COREDA database includes list of wagon numbers with indications of its keeper (means of Vehicle Keeper Marking) and commercial/operational responsible RU. Because the situation of wagon changes in time, there is also interval of validity and last modification date. Records are kept online for two years and the offline history is stored for 10 years. There are also functions for conflict management, access rights steering and for billing for database usage. COREDA also maintains needed reference data for validity checks.


Users can upload their wagon changes (insert, update, delete) as data in form of csv of xml files over communication interface (web service or FTP/SFTP). Received data are validated and stored. In opposite direction, Users can get wagon data periodically or download on request when needed. Distribution options are specific for communication interface, and enable to get data for given wagons, changes from a date, daily changes up to general download.


Web application enables to authorised users to create, update or delete wagon records. Web also responds queries concerning current wagon situation or history of wagon keeper and commercial responsible. Users can alternatively upload files with wagon changes or request download data selected by various parameters. Of course user management and authentication is included too.

How It Works

Each wagon participating railway undertaking maintains data about wagons for which they are commercially responsible. Updates are possible manually on the Web Centre, with manual uploads of change files or through communication interface. On the other hand, RUs use COREDA information for decisions regarding usage of wagons and their billing.

CoReDa Benefits

The main benefits of COREDA are:

Optimal solution

Central, shared, standardized and cost efficient solution.

Daily Information

Information about wagon responsible and keeper is available on a daily basis.

Via Web

Data input and output can be made via electronical interfaces or using web.


No exchange of former excel sheets needed between partners anymore.

Easy to Use

No more need for manual data capture in own systems.


At the moment, there 19 railway undertaking using COREDA.


ČD Cargo, a.s. (Czechia)


CFL cargo SA (Luxembourg)


DB Cargo AG (Germany)


Green Cargo AB (Sweden)


Gysev Cargo (Hungary)


HŽ Cargo d.o.o. (Croatia)


JP Zeljeznice Federacije BiH (Bosnia and Herzegovina)


Lineas (Belgium)


Makedonski Železnici Transport (Macedonia)


Mercitalia Rail (Italy)


PKP Cargo (Poland)


Rail Cargo Austria AG (Austria)


SBB CFF FFS Cargo (Switzerland)


Slovenske železnice - Tovorni promet, d.o.o. (Slovenia)


Srbija Cargo (Serbia)


SNCF Mobilites - Fret (France)


TCDD Taşımacılık A.Ş. (Turkey)


Zeljeznice Republike Srpske (Bosnia and Herzegovina)


Železničná spoločnosť Cargo Slovakia, a.s. (Slovakia)

How to Join CoReDa

RailData’s Terms of Reference and CoReDa User Agreement define the conditions for COREDA User:

  • Is an active freight Railway Undertaking.
  • Accepts, signs and fulfils the CoReDa User Agreement.
  • Sends or inserts wagon data into COREDA database after each change.
  • Has access to information contained in COREDA database.
  • Pays the COREDA usage fees.
  • Nominates a contact person and real web centre users.

COREDA User fees are set each year to cover the costs.

Railway Undertakings with interest to become COREDA User need to contact the COREDA Assembly chairman with the following Contact form. Applications are to be approved by the COREDA Assembly. 

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Digital Platform Of European Rail Freight


Contact Us

UIC - RailData, 16 rue Jean Rey, Paris, France F-75015

+49 7641 54385