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What Is ATTI

It stands for "Agreement on freight Train Transfer Inspection". This agreement lays down rules for the transfer of interoperable freight trains and wagons between participating Railway Undertakings (RUs); these are based on the GCU (General Contract of Use for Wagons). In order to facilitate international freight transport, the participating RUs undertake to comply with the agreement.

ATTI is managed by the ATTI Study Group which is a UIC special group within the Freight Forum.


ATTI Functions


ATTI includes single Quality Management System (QMS), where all quality indicators are documented in the ATTI Quality Database. This database, as well the ATTI-QMS web-application has been developed and is operated by RailData on request from ATTI Study Group.

This tool provides IT support which is needed for:

  • Planning of interoperable freight trains/wagons.
  • Calculation of sample size of required technical inspections.
  • Upload of inspection plans.
  • Upload of inspection result reports.
  • Consolidation and calculation of quality indicators.
  • Documentation and reporting of irregularities.

Through the Quality Database, ATTI also provides a platform for quality indicators covering:

  • Technical transfer inspections.
  • Train and wagon data.
  • Exceptional consignments.
  • Dangerous goods.

How It Works

The basic principle is that RUs check quality of work of other RUs and share experiences.

Inspections are planned for each year, based on expected train/wagon volumes. Each ATTI RU enters at beginning of each year expected number of wagons on ongoing trains, spread over the respective RU destinations and transit RUs.

The QMS tool determines sample size for the RU which does the checking (how many wagons need be checked) and spreads the checks over the year.

Based on the plan, RUs perform random inspections of trains/wagons. RUs upload or record the check results of the sampling tests carried out into the Quality Database until the end of the following month.

The tool brought the data obtained together and creates daily reports. The daily report always shows the current year. RUs can call-up the automated reports for their RU. These reports show overall assessment or evaluation by individual RUs. Except daily reports, also annual and year-end reports are available.

Data (plans and inspection results) can be inserted or uploaded (as csv files) on the ATTI QMS web application or sent (as csv file) via FTP to the ATTI QMS.

ATTI Benefits


Provides web-GUI  for data collection.

Data Exchange

Offers electronic data exchange and web service.

Size Calculation

Calculates sample size for wagon checks.


Documents all quality indicators in one system.


Can be used for RUs' own quality documentation.


Reports for RUs as well authorities available.


Quality deficits are well documented and visible.


The list of ATTI member Railway Undertakings can be dowloaded fro the UIC ATTI page.

How To Join ATTI

Any Railway Undertakings can become a signatory to ATTI (UIC membership is not a prerequisite). RU with interest to become ATTI member needs to contact the ATTI Chairman with the following Contact form.

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Digital Platform Of European Rail Freight


Contact Us

UIC - RailData, 16 rue Jean Rey, Paris, France F-75015

+49 7641 54385