New RailData Organisation

New RailData Organisation

General Assembly of RailData held on 13th December 2023 in Brussels approved the new Terms of Reference (ToR). Main aim of the changes is to enable increased flexibility and efficiency of the group. 
New Management Board shall ensure the on-going management of RailData, with aim to ensure provision of the services in line with the decisions of the General Assembly.
Management Board will issue directions to the CEO, new professional position to steer and ensure day-by-day work of RailData. Mr Adrien Decruyenaere was chosen as the new CEO - welcome on board!   
Same time, the General Assembly elected the RD Chairman: Mr Tommy Ransmark (Green Cargo) and RD Vice-Cahirman: Mr Matthias Mächler (SBB Cargo), so they continue in the positions. 
The day before, ORFEUS assembly elected its new Chairman: Mr Matthias Mächler (SBB Cargo) - congratulations! 
His predecessor, Mr Lothar Schneemann led the ORFEUS Assembly for since November 2012 so for long 11 years and RailData thanks him for all the great work done. 
Also the ISR Assembly has elected its Chairman for the next period and it will be (again) Mr Petr Červinka (ČD Cargo) - congratulations!  

Digital Platform Of European Rail Freight


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